FAQs & contact

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions.

Weather and departure

If it rains, we will provide you with an umbrella. We drive in all weathers.

A ship is a Faraday cage. You will always find a safe haven in our two salons.

You will of course be refunded the full amount of your tickets. Plus a 10% discount on a repeat date.
Patience. We’ll be there soon. Sometimes a cargo ship sails ahead of us or the lock is already full. Then there may be slight delays

What can I bring with me?

No, we ask you not to bring anything of your own.

Guide dogs and guide dogs yes. Lapdogs yes. Otherwise no. In exceptional cases and if the furry friends are particularly friendly, the team on site will decide.

Equipment on board

Every guest is welcome here and our crew will do their best to help out in any predicament.
We also carry wheelchairs on board. However, due to its design, the historic ship is not barrier-free. There are a few steps and narrow doors leading to the toilets.

Unfortunately not, due to lack of space in the toilets. Please bring a suitable changing mat with you. The crew on board will do their best to provide you with a quiet place below deck.

Tour and Tickets

Yes, you can hop on or hop off at all official stops on our tours. The price of the tour remains the same.

We are in calm waters in zone 4, which has never happened before.

Up to 4 weeks before the booked tour, the amount will be refunded minus a service fee of 20%. As the date approaches, tickets purchased will not be refunded.

Contact Us

Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon as possible!